Design and Architecture of
Digital Computers:
An Introduction

Description: Description: TwoWomenProgrammingENIAC

Miss Gloria Ruth Gorden and Mrs. Ester Gertson programming the ENIAC

Edward L. Bosworth, Ph.D.
TSYS School of Computer Science

Columbus State University
4225 University Avenue
Columbus, GA 31907
Copyright © 2011 by Edward L. Bosworth, Ph.D.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1       Historical and Economic Development of Computing Machines                   1
                        MS–Word    Part 1    Part 2
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                        HTML         Part 1     Part 2

Chapter 2       The Power Wall and Multicore Computers                                                   69
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Chapter 3       Data Representation                                                                                         78
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Chapter 4       Boolean Algebra and Some Combinational Circuits                                   131
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Chapter 4A    CMOS Implementation of the Digital Gates                                                 190
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Chapter 5       Minimization of Boolean Functions                                                               193
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Chapter 6       More Combinational Circuits                                                                        206
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Chapter 7       Latches, Flip–Flops, and Registers                                                                271
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Chapter 8       Analysis and Design of Sequential Circuits                                                  310
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Chapter 8A    Design of a 11011 Sequence Detector                                                            345
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Chapter 9       Memory Organization and Addressing                                                         360
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Chapter 9A    Interfacing the CPU to SDRAM                                                                   412
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Chapter 10     Overview of Busses                                                                                         416
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Chapter 11     Overview of Disks and Disk Drives                                                               432
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Chapter 12     Overview of Computer Architecture                                                            444
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Chapter 13     The Instruction Set Architecture                                                                   466
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Chapter 14     Design of the Central Processing Unit                                                          489
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Chapter 15     Implementation of the Central Processing Unit                                           521
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Chapter 16     Input / Output Design                                                                                     562
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Chapter 17     Assessing Computer Performance                                                                586
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Chapter 18     The Cray Line of Supercomputers                                                               594
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Chapter 19     Parallel Processing                                                                                          605
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References                                                                                                                               638
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